Central Europe Adventures 2016 – Part Five: A Sunday in Munich

Sundays in Germany are quite different to Sundays in Australia. No malls, supermarkets or convenience stores are open. At first this seems really old fashioned and boring but after a weeks you start to really appreciate how relaxing it is to have a day a week where you are essentially forced to take a day off.

After having a traditional German breakfast of bread rolls, eggs and cheese we headed out for a walk to the Alter Nordfriedhof (Old North Cemetery). At first it is a little weird walking through an old cemetery but at the same time it is very actively used park with people walking and jogging along the various paths.

After eating a light lunch we spent the afternoon at the Deutsches Museum. The exhibitions halls in the museum are incredibly detailed. We started in the mines section which has you walk through many different eras of mine design and technologies from very early mines to modern technology. Next we walked into the biology area which had human sized models of cells.

We then spent the next the few hours walking through the more usual types of museum displays see the type of biplane that the Red Baron used, the telescope that was used to discover Neptune, Enigma machines, and a Cray Supercomputer. Finally we wrapped up the day with dinner at Paulaner am Nockherberg.