Finding my way from Worms station to my hotel for the night should have been pretty simple. All I had to do was walk down one road and then turn once and walk down a second but somehow I still managed to get lost. It turned out that my hotel was above a restaurant that was closed over the winter. Once I had figured out how to get into the hotel I put my bags into my room and headed out again to find food for dinner.
Worms was a lot smaller than what I was expecting. Trying to find dinner turned out to be quite a challenge as many of the restaurants and pubs contained people openly smoking inside. In the end I just settled for a hot chocolate at a cafe, planned ideas for things to see the following day and then had an early night.

The following morning I was woken early by the Cathedral bells. Making the most of the day I went for an early morning walk down to the Rhine and then made my way to the old Synagogue, mikveh (ritual bath) and associated museum. In the museum I had a fun conversation in very broken German with one of the staff members about how I was buying a book about Worms for my mother. It was also very sad to learn that no Jews remained in the town at the end of World War Two.

I then headed back across the town to the Cathedral. Visiting the Wormser Dom was my key reason for wanting to visit Worms. Its history in the Diet of Worms against Luther is something that fascinates me. Inside the Dom I was surprised to see a stained glass window which gives the history of the town of Worms including a depiction of Luther and another of the Nazi party. I then walked a few more streets away from town to visit the old Jewish Cemetery.

By this point it was only midday and I had seen everything I had planned to see in Worms – it really isn’t very big – so I made my way to the train station to catch a train to the nearby town of Speyer.