Western Europe 2018 Trip – Part Three: Edinburgh

The next leg of my journey was to catch the Flying Scotsman train from London’s King Cross station to Edinburgh’s Waverley station. The modern day version of the Flying Scotsman is very comfortable and had onboard WIFI the entire way – useless for anyone who gets bored looking out the window (I’m not one to get bored looking out windows).

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A Short Review of 2019

At the start of this year I set myself four goals:

Read 12 Books

I read 20 books! This is twice as many as 2018

Make a 5% return on savings and investments

I made a 5.2% average return (unweighted, includes investments held for less than 6 months) on my investments. Savings accounts much less as repeated rate cuts hurt my savings growth.

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Git Cherry Picking Across Forked Repos and Empty Commits

Recently I found myself in a situation where I wanted to bring in a specific upstream commit into a forked repository. Although these repos share a common history, the two repos had diverged enough that it wasn’t a straight-forward cherry-pick between branches. Instead, with clones of the two repositories I managed to cherry-pick as follows:

git --git-dir=..//.git format-patch -k -1 --stdout | git am -3 -k
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